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White Paper

Continuous Attack Simulations

How to Identify Risk, Close Gaps, and Validate Your Security Controls

Attack simulations continuously mimic real-world threats to highlight gaps in security systems, and unlike traditional ad hoc testing, they provide an ongoing view of dynamic security environments. Can the insights from attack simulations be used to close gaps and strengthen security programs? They can, if integrated into your existing security operations.

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In this white paper you will learn

Cyber threats are more sophisticated than ever, requiring precise intelligence into malicious activity – and demanding a high level of confidence in security models. At the same time, enterprises’ security models have grown in complexity in terms of product configurations as well as automated and manual processes – not to mention the overall networking environment.

Building confidence in readiness has typically required time-consuming, ad hoc, and costly testing, such as the traditional red teaming or penetration tests. But as attackers get savvier and swifter about breaching defenses – and digital transformation accelerates business change – security teams don’t have the luxury of time. And the money that teams spend on penetration testing might be better deployed in simulations that can deliver actionable answers on where the threats are and how to stop them.

  • Why continuous attack simulations are more effective than traditional, ad hoc testing
  • Which common security weaknesses can be identified through attack simulations
  • How to integrate attack simulations into your overall security operations

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