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Mindset with Brian Murphy: Learning from Failure

The paradox of success is that you have to go through failure to get there. And it’s not just going through the failure, but it’s growing through the failure. It’s using the failure to establish a better way going forward.

In this conversation with ReliaQuest Director of Mental Performance Derin McMains, founder and CEO of ReliaQuest Brian Murphy talks about a few of the failures that he learned from along his entrepreneurial journey.

You’ll learn about:

How failures from the past can become standards for the future
The impact of decision fatigue on hiring
How defining core values can help you be more intentional
ReliaQuest is a global cybersecurity company focused on high performance. ReliaQuest makes security possible through its technology and its company mindset — getting a little better every day.

Brian Murphy LinkedIn Profile:

Derin McMains LinkedIn Profile:

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