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The Comprehensive Guide to Optimizing Your Security Operations

Barely a few decades old, the Information Security profession struggles with standardization. This can be seen across the board from naming and defining capabilities, vulnerabilities, and adversaries to even the most basic terms that are used every day. Oftentimes, this results in the misunderstanding of essential information during an investigation and a limited ability to effectively manage both automated and manual analysis of large quantities of event data.

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In this guide you will learn

Barely a few decades old, the Information Security profession is nascent when compared to many other professions, such as legal or medical, both with origins tracing back to ancient Greco-Roman empires. Centuries old, these professions have not only established standard norms of behavior and performance, they have also matured a standard taxonomy (terms of reference) for both legal purposes and everyday communication. This has been essential for the evolution of these professions, as progress cannot be achieved without a “common understanding.”

  • A standard taxonomy to improve your investigation workflows
  • Foundational frameworks to accelerate threat response and enable automation
  • Benchmarks to continually measure and mature your security operations

Security Operations Made Possible with ReliaQuest GreyMatter

Increase visibility, reduce complexity, and manage risk across your existing tools with comprehensive protection unified under a single security operations platform.

GreyMatter's security operations platform dashboard