For enterprises with multiple business units or subsidiaries, it’s difficult to get a clear overview of security program performance across the organization. Merger and acquisition activity compounds this problem—every newly acquired business unit includes additional security risk to be managed.  

For some organizations, security is provided as a shared service across multiple entities, and CISOs need to track performance throughout. Gathering those metrics across various business units, each of which might use different security tools, can be a manual, cumbersome, and time-consuming process. But it’s important to establish metrics that help you understand your security posture across a hodgepodge of different security stacks and reporting can help achieve consistency.   

We are pleased to announce an update to the GreyMatter Security Model Index that helps solve these challenges. 

The GreyMatter Security Model Index now provides consolidated security operations metrics across all of an organization’s business units. Rather than spending time gathering disparate data into a spreadsheet that is immediately out of date, the Model Index user interface provides security leaders with a detailed, up-to-the-minute overview of how different business entities are performing.  


These Model Index enhancements enable leaders to answer some key questions around the complete organization’s detection, investigation, and response capabilities. For example: 


  • How much of the environment can we see for different business units? What are the visibility gaps across business units?
  • Do we have the necessary detection controls in place for new business units? Where do we need better detection coverage?


  • How long does it take each business unit to investigate incidents?
  • Is the team in each business unit focusing on the right investigations?
  • Do we have the capability to gather the required datasets to investigate anomalous or malicious behavior?


  • Where should I focus my attention? What business units are underperforming?
  • What best practices can higher-performing business units share across the team?
  • How effectively is workflow automation being applied across the organization?

Learn More

No matter where you are in your security operations journey, ReliaQuest can help you achieve your goals. To learn about how GreyMatter and the Security Model Index can help you overcome security challenges and improve performance, visit our Model Index page or reach out to request a demo