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White Paper

Maximize Your Threat Intelligence

Four Proven Steps to Integrating Threat Intelligence for Higher-Fidelity Detection & Response

When integrated across security controls, threat intelligence allows security teams to increase detection rates, speed response times, and mitigate their most serious risks. But finding the balance between too little and too much intel – and then automating the integration of these feeds – is the challenge. Too little intel, and your organization runs the risk of failing to notice or prepare for a major threat. Too many intel feeds, and the risk is that your team becomes overwhelmed by data.

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In this white paper you will learn

Accurate, trustworthy threat intelligence is a boon if you have it – but too much of it becomes a management headache. Analyst group 451 Research, surveying security leaders for its report Tackling the Visibility Gap in Information Security, found that 49% of enterprises using SIEM, EDR, and other security tools were overwhelmed by the day-to-day operation of managing and ingesting threat feeds into their growing technology stack.

The problem is one of balance: Too little intel, and your organization runs the risk of failing to notice (or be prepared for) a major threat. Too many intel feeds, and the risk is that your team becomes overwhelmed by data. Just because you have a large quantity of intel doesn’t mean your security teams and technologies can process it and use it effectively.

  • How to integrate the right balance of threat intelligence across your security program
  • What processes are needed to create high-fidelity threat detection
  • Why examining both indicators of compromise and behavior patterns is key to detecting and mitigating threats

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