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KuppingerCole Leadership Compass: Managed Detection & Response

The KuppingerCole Leadership Compass: Managed Detection and Response market guide credits ReliaQuest with multiple strengths, including:

  • Mean time to contain (MTTC) in under 5 minutes: “[ReliaQuest credits] this achievement to the use of automation and the integration of AI.”
  • Bi-directional API integrations: “ReliaQuest follows a bi-directional API integration approach to speed up ingestion of data for analysis and for triggering response actions from within the GreyMatter Platform.”
  • Mobile app: “There is a mobile app that provides the ability to review alerts, run response actions, and access dashboards and status reports.”

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ReliaQuest Named a Leader in Product, Innovation, Market, and Overall Segments

Organizations are turning to managed detection and response (MDR) solutions to consolidate all their security threats, tools, and systems into a single point of control. This KuppingerCole Leadership Compass provides an overview of the MDR market, including product and vendor analysis. This market segment continues to grow and evolve, and providers are expanding their roles into threat detection, containment, and remediation.

“[ReliaQuest GreyMatter] is ideal for organizations needing seamless integration with legacy security tools or seeking to maximize the ROI on their existing security technology investments.” – Warwick Ashford, Analyst, KuppingerCole Analysts AG

You Don’t Fit in a Box. Neither Do We.

We evolve with you; accelerate your SecOps journey.

Multi-SIEM. Multi-EDR: We show no bias.

Reduce MTTC to <5 minutes with automated incident response.

Get complete visibility across any technology.

Integrations and Connections

Reinforce Your Security Ecosystem with GreyMatter

Seamlessly integrate GreyMatter into your existing security operations tech stack to enhance visibility across your tools and gain the context and insights you need to operationalize security and protect your business.

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